That special time of year for all of those fanboys and girls has once again come and gone, but it will not be forgotten! (At least not until next year's con)
As myself and my comic book colleagues entered the illustrious golden gates of Boston's Seaport World Trade Center, along with the rest of New England's geek, nerd and fanboy community, it was almost impossible to contain our excitement. Once through the gate, we were each handed the annual program, featuring none other than one of this year's most popular Marvel Comics characters, ROCKET RACCOON from "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY," Marvel's most successful box office hit to date.
Once on the main floor of the con, my team and I were awestruck by the numerous "cosplayers" from almost every comic book, video game, tv series and comic/sci-fi/horror- related film imaginable. Here are some of my favorite "cosplayers" from this year below, in no particular order (all photography by Jevon Renee) :
2014 Boston Comic Con: Best of Cosplay!!
An "All-Female" Avengers Team!! Can someone say, GIRL POWER?!! |
Gotham City "Goddess of Greenery" Poison Ivy, (left), Roger Rabbit's vixen love interest, Jessica Rabbit, (right), and the WWE's Carlito "Caribbean" Cool, (center) |
Quite the impressive wingspan on The Dark Knight!! |
These two youngsters must have visited Stark Industries before the con, because their Iron Man and War Machine suits are on point!! |
A sexy Star Wars alien babe escaped from Jaba the Hutt's lair to spend some time with us! |
The "New England Ghostbusters," a Ghostbusters cosplay philanthropy group, puts together live-action Ghostbusters shows for the terminally-ill and underprivileged. They are an amazing group of people with extremely realistic Ghostbusters props that include the suits, packs, "ghost-catching equipment," and movie props. |
The "New England Ghostbusters," posing with my good friend Jevon in front of the infamous portrait of "Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia" from Ghostbusters 2 |
Nightcrawler making some serious headway with Fiona of "Adventure Time." |
Gotham City vixens Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn, up to no good as usual. The women of Gotham City are insane, but damn do they get this "vigilant geek's" motor running!
The Goddess of Cosplay: Ivy Doomkitty!!
Ivy Doomkitty as Psylocke from "The X-Men"
Speaking of "motors running," this gorgeous cosplay queen was the "go-to lady" for all things "cosplay" at this year's con; and I just wouldn't feel like I've completely covered the con without giving this beauty her justified props!
One might assume that Ivy gets her professional name from some of the comic book characters she is known for playing. (A mash-up of Poison Ivy, Doctor Doom and Black Cat perhaps?) |
This stunning beauty held a cosplay-oriented Boston harbor cruise last Saturday.. wish I could have been a "fly-on-the-wall!" |
Ivy as Captain Marvel this year!! (Alongside Mistress Death, a Batman/Deadpool mash-up, Venom and Black Cat! |
Not only was this starlet in charge of the 2014 costume contest, but she also ran seminars on "cosplay fundamentals," such as costume design and acting!
As busy as Miss Doomkitty was this year, she still made time to keep all of us geeks frothing and drooling at the mouth wherever she went.
Such a gorgeous creature! Come play XBOX at my place Ivy?
Once my team and I got through gawking at the cosplayers and checking out some of the merchandise that Chris's Comics, Comicazi, Valiant Comics, Harrison's Comics and New England Comics all had to offer, it was time to hit the panels! The first panel of the day was a Q and A session with Sean Astin of the cult classic films "The Goonies," "Rudy," and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

Although Sean was not able to elaborate on the upcoming sequel to "The Goonies," he was an extremely entertaining speaker. He talked thoroughly about his time working with Elijah Wood on "LOTR," mentioning a hilarious anecdote about him and Elijah leaving the set at lunch time and going for take-out with their hobbit feet still on. He also expanded on his voice work for the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" animated show in which he does the voice for Raphael. Sean was very polite and showed great finesse in answering all of the audience question, even making time to do impressions from "The Goonies," "Rudy," "LOTR," and "TMNT," just to humor the crowd. All in all, Mr. Astin held a great panel, and seemed like a really nice guy who is dedicated to his fans.
The Vigilant Geek 2014 Boston Comic Con Review is not over yet!!! We have barely reached the tip of the iceberg on all the event had to offer!! STAY TUNED FOR BOSTON COMIC CON REVIEW, PART 2!!
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